Rules and Conditions Regarding Electronic Mailings


All the electronic mails and all information, approval and files in all kinds of formats that the e-mails by the ISTANBUL FOUNDATION FOR CULTURE AND ARTS (İKSV) contain are sent in compliance with the following rules and conditions.

1. Information contained in these e-mails are private, may be personal and directed only to the intended recipient, institution or other persons authorised to use or obtain it.
2. If you are not the intended recipient, revealing, copying or distributing it, or taking any action with regards to its content are forbidden and may be against the law. Therefore, if you have received this e-mail by mistake, immediately inform the sender and delete the e-mail.
3. Its private and personal status does not disappear or is not dispensable because it was sent to you by mistake.
4. İKSV is not responsible for the partial and/or complete transfer of the information contained in this e-mail or the e-mail itself, or any delay that might have been experienced in its delivery.
5. Even though İKSV uses firewall against viruses, it cannot guarantee or ensure that the e-mail is free of viruses.
6. Regarding the personal data contained in this e-mail, the legal rules regulated in the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 are also applied to you. You are obliged to use all information containing personal data – if you have the authority – within the scope of your authority and in accordance with the relevant legal rules. We would like to remind you that if you have any use that exceeds the legal rules, it will constitute a crime and you may face legal and penal sanctions and you are obliged to compensate the damage of İKSV.
7. You may find information on the processing of your personal data by İKSV here. If you have a request regarding your personal data, you can fill in the Data Owner Application Form, which you can access here, and send it to us.
